A John Bellas Financial Services Pty Ltd financial adviser can help you safeguard your financial future.
While many people insure their home, car and possessions, it is even more important to make sure your family and lifestyle are protected from financial misfortune with insurance. Without a regular income, it can be a challenge just paying for everyday household expenses like groceries and power bills, while ongoing mortgage repayments or school fees can quickly eat away any savings. Worse still, if you’re self-employed and can’t work because you’re ill or disabled, you could be faced with the added pressure of the business bills rolling in.

The good news is that we can use risk insurance to structure a total financial protection package for you to protect against loss of income, disablement, serious illness and death.
While car and home insurance are relatively straightforward, personal risk cover can be complex, with many different options and levels of cover to choose from. We can help you decide which cover is right for you and what issues you need to consider. For example, which family members would you insure? When does it make sense to insure a non-working spouse? How should the benefits of any payment be distributed? What benefits are available within your superannuation scheme? What are the tax implications of taking out insurance?
If you own a business we can also review your business insurance needs. For example, is there ‘key person’ protection in place for the business owners and managers? Are the business assets and stock adequately insured against theft and damage?
Our Insurance Options
Life / Total & Permanent Disability Cover
Life / Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) Cover offers protection for your family if you are totally and permanently disabled or in the event of your death.
Income Protection Cover
Have you considered that your most valuable asset may be your ability to earn an income? Income protection provides a monthly benefit that pays up to 75% of your income if you are unable to work due to illness or injury.
Trauma Cover
Have you considered how you would be affected if you were diagnosed with cancer or perhaps had a heart attack?
Make an Enquiry
If you would like to discuss your situation or make an enquiry, please contact us through our contact form below.